Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stockyard Friends

Introducing Ringo...

We were recently asked by a very dear friend to come up with a stuffed horse for their her new niece.  We were a bit freaked out to say the least.  Horses are so...different.  How to do their ears, what about their mane, wait their hooves!  It's the detail that set our products apart and we knew we had to figure it all out.  (SCARY!!)

After three failed patterns and LOTS of discussion we finally worked out all of the kinks and think that this guy is FABULOUS!  One of the best things is how he fits in the crook of your arm, he's SO soft and cuddly and the halter ended up being the missing "it" factor.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So one of the best part about Purple Banner is the creative outlet it provides.  Our minds are constantly swirling with new things to try and although our sleep is sometimes lacking because of it we LOVE when we end up with a great new product because of it! 

See, our friend Ashlie has some mad crochet skills and we kept thinking about how ADORABLE a steer hat would be.  One that was actually anatomically correct and wasn't a Holstein ;) 
We finally broke down and asked her to make a couple and I can't get over how cute they are.  EVERY single time I see them I smile. 

We started out without a face but Ashlie had an idea and we told her to run with it! 
The simple one would be the perfect photo prop
and can't you just imagine little ones at Denver with the face? 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

All Star Cowboy

Lindsay was the winner of our last give-away with Crystal Cattle and we were so excited about getting to work something up for her soon to arrive little man!  After talking nurseries and color schemes, cows and football, Lindsay decided on mixing the two.  Genius I tell you, simply, genius!

The lovie turned out amazing!

And every little man with an ag lovin' momma needs a shirt that displays said love!

Lindsay, it was a BLAST working with you!  We can't wait to do it again!